Creating a sustainable future one delivery at a time
There are 5 million truck and bus drivers sharing the road with more than 250 million motorists. With stakes so high, it’s essential that everyone Get Road Smart. We can’t do it without you. As Motor carriers, we know the vital importance of safety compliance for our drivers, our business, and our reputation. Review your safety data, and take action to make the roads safer for everyone.
Delivering freight efficiently is an essential skill for any truck driver. This is important not only for your motor carrier and the customer you are delivering to, but also for you because it allows you to get more miles and earn more pay. One of your keys to success is trucking trip planning. Preparing before you hit the road can help you stay on track and avoid any issues.
By planning your driving time, you can make sure you are always in line with hours of service (HOS) regulations. This can help you avoid fines, disciplinary action, and stress. Choosing truck stops along your route and having back-ups in place can make it easier to park and sleep for the night while staying compliant.
Trust is the base making it possible to build and sustain strong relationships. Even the best leaders need time, commitment and the willingness to listen to others as they work to cultivate trust within their company while also increasing trust among drivers and customers.
The freight and trucking industry, relies on establishing trust within its workforce and brokers, distributors and other stakeholders to thrive. Every organization has its own unique goals. When trucking companies actively work to create trust with their vendors — and everyone can rely on each other — everyone benefits.
Focusing on safety can lower scores associated with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program, which can be important for securing new business and improving a company’s image..
A safe company can attract drivers. Today’s drivers are becoming more selective about where they want to work and often turn to private fleets’ CSA scores to help them make the decision.
An emphasis on safety improves driver retention. Not only can a strong safety record get drivers in the door, it can keep them at the company.